
Showing posts with label Regular Health Checkup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Regular Health Checkup. Show all posts

How to protect yourself from increasing pollution?

The WHO (World Health Organization) has named air pollution as the world’s largest environmental health risk. If you want to reduce its effects on your body then you have to educate yourself about the risks of air pollution in your area.

Air pollution is the result of the presence of toxic chemicals or compounds in the air. These chemicals have reached the risk levels for health. The ozone layer, which is essential for the existence of Earth's EcoSystem, is decreasing due to increasing air pollution. Global warming is a direct result of the increasing imbalance of gases in the atmosphere and it has become the biggest threat to our planet. Air pollution levels increase during the winter season, and in this way we need to take care of our special care.

Impact of air pollution on health 

Due to decreasing air quality, health concerns have increased. Children, old people, and people who are battling asthma and lung diseases are at greater risk. Common health problems caused by this poisonous air are as follows: 

Irritation of eyes 
Persistent cough 
Dryness in the throat 
Burning in the nose 
Itchy skin 
Lung Diseases and Increase of Asthma 
Unbalanced blood pressure 
High risk of acute heart diseases such as heart attack and stroke

How to protect ourselves from this danger?

Increasing pollution is causing many problems in our lives. We all want to solve these problems and want to know how to protect ourselves from this danger. We need to take some precautions to avoid air pollution. Know some such methods:

By staying at home more and more we will be able to save ourselves from the polluted air outside and its side effects. 
Children and old person are the most vulnerable to pollution. So they need special care. As long as pollution levels are normal, they should be kept in the house. 
Patients with asthma and lung diseases may also have more problems with increasing pollution. They should also be invited to stay at home.
Do not go out for exercise and exercise within the home itself.
Avoid blooming in the morning and late evening. Currently has the highest level of pollution.
Cover yourself as much as possible. Wearing full sleeve clothes is profitable.
Wash your hands and mouth every few hours.
Don't allow anyone to smoke indoors 
• Do regular health checkup at least 2 times a year.
Support measures to make all public places tobacco-free.
Be sure to use the best pollution mask and use it while leaving home. Most medical experts recommend N59 and N99 pollution masks as the most effective. If the mask is not available, then a clean cloth can also be used to cover the mouth.